
作为我们对最全菠菜网院(“学院”)员工健康和安全承诺的一部分, 学生, 更大的社区, the College encourages 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccinations or 测试 for 新型冠状病毒肺炎 for all 学生 and employees. 参加临床(定义见下文)的学生和员工需要接种新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗.  疫苗接种, 测试, 和面罩是减少工作场所新型冠状病毒肺炎病例存在和严重程度的重要工具, 在学习环境中, 在社区中, 在整个国家也是如此.

I. 目的

A. 学院鼓励所有员工和学生接种新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗,以保护自己和学院的员工, 学生, 更大的社区 as well as to obtain boosters or additional primary doses once eligible.

B. 本新型冠状病毒肺炎政策(“政策”)规定临床参与者(定义见下文)必须全面接种新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗,并向学院提供疫苗接种证明,除非获准通融 by the College (and 如果适用的话, the Clinical Site) 根据 新型冠状病毒肺炎 疫苗接种 for Clinical Participants Procedure.

C. This Policy establishes that the College may issue a mandate to all employees, 学生, and visitors to wear face coverings as set forth in the 面部遮盖程序,除非获准通融.

D. This Policy further establishes the rules that apply to visitors to the College related to 新型冠状病毒肺炎.

II. 适用范围及适用性. This Policy applies to all College 员工, 学生, 和游客, 这些术语的定义如下.

3. 定义

A. CDC means the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

B. 临床(s)包括临床, 在健康科学学院的医疗保健或诊所实习或实习,或在继续教育和劳动力发展学院的以下项目之一:中央无菌处理, 注册护理员, Certified Clinical Medical Assistant, 注册医疗助理员, 护士进修, 或兽医助理. 人类服务项目的实地工作和按摩治疗项目的诊所不被认为是临床工作.

C. Clinical Participant(s) means an Employee or Student participating in a Clinical at a Clinical Site.

D. COVID病例是指已接受COVID检测呈阳性或已被持牌医疗保健提供者诊断为新型冠状病毒肺炎的个人,直到该个人符合新型冠状病毒肺炎报告程序要求的标准.

E. COVID Symptoms means fever or chills; cough; shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; fatigue; muscle or body aches; headache; new loss of taste or smell; sore throat; congestion or runny nose; nausea or vomiting; diarrhea; or any other 新型冠状病毒肺炎 symptom identified by a federal or Maryland public health agency.

F. Employee includes all regular faculty and staff, 临时员工, 合同员工, and part-time faculty employed by the College.

G. Face Covering means material that:

1. Completely covers the nose and mouth;

2. Is made with two or more layers of a breathable fabric that is tightly woven (e., fabrics that do not let light pass through when held up to a light source);

3. Is secured to the head with ties, ear loops, or elastic bands that go behind the head;

4. Fits snugly over the nose, mouth, and chin with no large gaps on the outside of the face; and

5. Is a solid piece of material without slits, 呼气阀门, 可见孔, 穿刺, 或者其他开口.

6. 面盾牌, 脖子绑腿, open-chin头巾, other coverings with openings at the chin, material that contains 呼气阀门 without filters, and knit or mesh material or holes of any kind do not meet the definition of a Face Covering.

H. 完全接种疫苗是指:

1. 在完成新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗初次接种后两(2)周的状态,两次接种间隔至少达到建议的最短时间, 如果适用的话, 按照批准, 授权, 或者列出:

a. Approved or authorized for emergency use by the U.S. 食物 & 药物管理局(“FDA”);

b. 列出的紧急使用 世界卫生组织 (“WHO”); or

c. Administered as part of a clinical trial at a U.S. 网站, 如果有记录表明接受者接种了“活性”(非安慰剂)新型冠状病毒肺炎候选疫苗, for which vaccine efficacy has been independently confirmed (e.g., by a data and safety monitoring board), or if the clinical trial participant from the U.S. 网站 had received a 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccine that is neither approved nor authorized for use by FDA but is listed for emergency use by WHO; or

2. 在接受FDA批准或授权或世卫组织列为双剂量系列的任何两剂新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗的任何组合的第二剂后两(2)周的状态(1).e., heterologous primary series of such vaccines, 接受不同剂量的新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗作为一个主要系列的一部分)(有时称为混合剂量或混合匹配).

I. 位置 are categorized as follows:

1. College Location includes the Arnold campus, the Glen Burnie Town Center location, 其中包括酒店, Culinary Arts and Tourism Institute (known as “HCAT”), 阿伦德尔米尔斯的位置, 以及米德堡教育 & 弹性中心.

2. Clinical Site is a location where an Employee or Student participates in a Clinical.

3. 校外地点是学院提供教育服务的地点,不是学院地点或临床地点, 包括, 但不限于, the Anne Arundel County Senior Centers, the Anne Arundel County Public Schools, 或者雇主网站.

4. All 位置 or Any Location includes College 位置, Clinical Sites, and Off网站 位置.

J. Student means an individual who is currently enrolled in classes at the College, 包括 credit or non-credit bearing classes, 不包括已经申请并被学院录取但尚未入学的个人.

K. Up-to-Date means a person has received all recommended doses in their primary series 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccine, 加强剂量, 当符合条件的.

L. 预防接种程序是指 新型冠状病毒肺炎 疫苗接种 for Clinical Participants Procedure.

M. Visitor means any individual who comes to Any Location that is not a Student or Employee, 包括但不限于, applicants to the College who have not yet enrolled in classes, 志愿者, 以及大学供应商的雇员, 供应商, 和承包商.

IV. 面罩的

A. 员工, 学生, 访客可在任何地点须戴上面罩,如学院根据 面部遮盖程序.

B. 要求佩戴口罩参加学院开设的课程的员工和学生,或在AACC地点自愿佩戴口罩代替口罩的员工和学生,应遵循以下规定 呼吸过程.

V. Encouragement to Become Vaccinated Against 新型冠状病毒肺炎

A. 的 College encourages all 员工 and 学生 to become Fully Vaccinated and Up-to-Date.

B. 的 CDC’s Key Things to Know About 新型冠状病毒肺炎 Vaccines provides information regarding vaccine efficacy, safety, and the benefits of being vaccinated.

VI.   Vaccine Mandate for Clinical Participants

A. 从一月开始. 1, 2022, all Clinical Participants are required to be Fully Vaccinated, 除非临床参与者已要求并已获得学院和临床场地的许可,以满足疫苗要求, if the Clinical Site requires vaccination.

B. 除了, 临床参与者必须遵守临床站点关于新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗接种和检测的规则.

1. If a Clinical Participant does not comply with the Clinical Site’s rules, the Clinical Participant may be unable to participate in the course, could have to withdraw or fail the course, and/or may be unable to work at the Clinical Site or meet the essential functions of the Employee’s job.

2. 一些临床站点可能要求临床参与者保持最新状态,或定期或临时接受新型冠状病毒肺炎检测.

3. 的 College will not consider requests for exemption or accommodation to the Clinical Site’s rules; such requests must be submitted directly to the Clinical Site.

C. 临床参加者须按照接种疫苗程序向学院提供已接种疫苗的证明.

1. If the Clinical Site requires the College to collect proof of a Clinical Participant being Up-to-Date, the Clinical Participant will be required to provide proof of being Up-to-Date.

2. 任何未提供完全接种疫苗证明的临床参与者(如果临床站点要求,则提供最新疫苗)将不被允许参加临床或前往临床站点. 

D. 临床参与者必须提供有关其新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗接种状况的真实和准确信息.

E. 住宿. 临床参与者可根据并在截止日期前提交请求以寻求住宿 疫苗接种程序.

7.  COVID案例. 员工, 学生, 出现COVID症状或与COVID病例有过密切接触的游客应遵循 CDC Guidance on Isolation and Precautions for People with 新型冠状病毒肺炎.

8. 纪律处分

A. 不遵守本政策和/或适用程序的员工将受到纪律处分, up to and 包括 termination of employment.

B. 不遵守本政策和/或适用程序的学生将受到纪律处分, up to and 包括 dismissal from the College, 根据 学生行为准则.

IX. Confidentiality, Privacy, and Security

A. All medical information collected from individuals, 包括 vaccination information, 测试结果, any other information obtained as a result of 测试, 住宿要求将按照有关保密和隐私的适用法律和政策处理, 包括但不限于, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

B. All such medical information will be collected and stored in a secure fashion.




策略管理员: Vice President of Learning Resources Management

联系信息mabeardmore@volamdolong.com; 410-777-2532.

批准日期: 2023年6月14日


历史: Interim Policy on 新型冠状病毒肺炎 was adopted on January 26, 2022; Interim Policy was revised on March 24, 2022; Interim Policy was revised on August 22, 2022; Policy was adopted on March 24, 2023

适用于: All College employees, 学生, and visitors

相关政策: N/A



有关法律: N/A